HITs Assigned To You

HITS Assigned to You

This handy little tab located under the main HITs tab can be quite useful. It can also be called your Queue and there are a few instances when you may need it.

Help, I can't find a HIT that I've already accepted!

Many times when you accept the HIT it will say that you must open the survey link in a new window, and that if you don't you won't be able to make your way back to the HIT page. This is not true. If you ever directly click on a survey link, or X out of your browser page it is OKAY. All you have to do is look under your HITs Assigned To You (see image above) and your HIT will still be there safe and sound. Simply click on "Continue This HIT" to go back to that specific HIT's page.

Accepting Multiple HITs At Once

Sometimes you may find yourself working on a great batch when you notice the numbers start to dwindle down. Wouldn't it be great if you could stock up on a few more before they were all gone? This is the great thing about your Queue! After accepting a HIT, there are many ways that you can start to stock up. 
  • Hit the refresh button.
  • Hit the Back button, followed by the Forward button.
  • Copy the accept link, and paste it into a new web page.

You can save up to 25 HITs. ALWAYS be sure to watch the timer though, or else you will find yourself with many abandoned HITs.

Soft Blocks vs. Hard Blocks

Soft Blocks

These DO NOT harm your mturk account. A soft block is merely put in place by a requester in order to prevent you from working on one of their HITs. This can be because you have already done a similar HIT for them in the past. They want a wide range of responses, or maybe you have already done all of the available work for a requester.

So when you hit "Accept Hit" and get the following message: 
The Requester _____________ has chosen to prevent you from working on any of this Requester's HITs. There are a variety of reasons for Requesters to prevent particular Workers from completing their HITs.

DO NOT WORRY! Most of the time it is only a soft block and they are temporary.

Hard Blocks

You will receive an email from the Amazon Mechanical Turk Team around 7am if you have been hard blocked by a requester. These DO affect your mTurk account. If you get 3 of them within a reasonably short amount of time, your mTurk account will be suspended.
Below is the email you will receive if you have been hard blocked by a requester: 
Greetings from Mechanical Turk. We regret to inform you that you were blocked from working on HITs by the following requester(s):

Requesters typically block Workers who submit poor quality work.

Requesters rely on Mechanical Turk for high quality work results. In order to maintain quality, we continuously monitor service activity. Should additional Requesters block you in the future, we may suspend your account. Please ensure your work quality is at a high standard. We encourage you to read the HIT instructions and follow them carefully.

We realize that this block may be a onetime occurrence for you. Should you maintain high work quality with no further complaints for the next few months we will dismiss this event.

Regards, The Mechanical Turk Team

How to add turkopticon Extension in chrome for mturk.com

How to add turkopticon Extension in chrome for mturk.com?

How to add script in Chrome/Firefox/Opera browsers for mturk.com

How to add script in Chrome/Firefox/Opera browsers for mturk.com

How to add script in Chrome/Firefox/Opera browsers for mturk.com
Add tampermonkey extension for chrome
Add greasemonkey extension for Firefox
Add violentmonkey extension for Opera
go to www.userscript.org
search mturk
click on desired script< Install< add
now you can see the script actions in mturk.com

Contacting a Requester

There are many reasons why you may want to contact a requester. The question is how do you go about doing so? 

Before or during a HIT

If it is before or during a HIT that you have completed them you can do the following.
Look at your page HITs available to you or HITs Assigned to You or if you have already accepted the HIT and click on Show All Details 

Let's say I wanted to contact the requestor named "turkexperiment.com". I would click on the Contact the Requester of this HIT link located in the lower right-hand corner of the HIT. 

This will then take me to a page where I can write to the requester and then hit the Submit button to send my message to them. 

For a HIT already submitted

If you have recently submitted a HIT for them.
Go to the Your Account tab located at the top of the screen. 

Find the date of which you took the HIT from the requester you are wanting to contact. 

Click on the requester's name in order to message them. 


What is a batch HIT?

Recommended batch HIT requesters
A batch HIT is a task that you can preform over and over again. These are good when you are trying to get your numbers up. Batches are usually HITs that can be done within a minute or two. Some can even be completed in under 10 seconds. Their pay is usually not the best, but they will increase your approval percentage in case of a rejection.
An easy way to search for large batch HITs is to sort your search results with the "HITs Available (most first)" option. This is located on the left side of the screen above all of the HITs that are available to do.

HIT Milestones


Once you have reached a certain number of Approved HITs, you will find that there will be more available HITs to do. This is because certain requestors open up their HITs once you have a certain number of total HITs approved. The most common milestones are listed below with some of the requesters whose HITs open up once you reach them.

Beginner HITs



Readabl: Identify a company from a photo, or find a company's contact information.




Kevin Dodds: Find the links to the businesses using google search links. Record the homepage link and mark how confident you are. 
Requires Company URL Location QUALIFICATION qual