Mturk TOP Requester list

Agent Agent
Coman Petre
Course Atlas
Jesus Garza
Jonathon Weber
Matt Rubin
Project Flamel
Set Master Account
Two Lakes Research
UW VisCog Lab
Oscar Smith
Houdini Inc.
Venue Quality
Catalog Choice
AGOGO Mechanical Turk
Alexander E Coppock
Alyssa Bilinski
Amanda Isaacson
Amber Chauncey Strain
Amin Sadeghi
Amin Sadeghi
Andrew Carman
Andrew Nicol
Andy K
Anthony J Mangia Jr
Ben Jurist
Benjamin Godlove
BJ Weschke
Brian Carpenter
Brian Lyons
C Joseph Barber
Caroline Canning
Catalog Choice
Chadwick Miller
Charlene Chen
Chi Zeng
Chris Horton
Christina Green
CMU Researcher
Coman Petre
Daniel Herken
Daniel S Dunnam
Daniil Brodovich
David J Hardisty
David Mease
Decision Making
Doug Peters
Duke Center for Behavioral Economics
Dialogue Systems
Eiso Kant
Eric G.
erik choi
Ernest Baskin
Ethan Solomon
Fernando Machado
x8 Data

How Turk Alert works

Turk Alert constantly monitors Amazon's Mechanical Turk (MTurk) and keeps track of all new HITs posted.
When a requester that you're subscribed to posts new HITs, you'll receive an e-mail notification with a link to the HITs on MTurk.

Important Info About E-Mails:

  • E-mail alerts are sent every 5 minutes. This means there will be, at most, a 5-minute delay between the HIT going live and a notification being sent, with an average delay of 3 minutes.
  • You may receive up to a maximum of 20 e-mail alerts each day, dependent upon both the number of requesters to whom you are subscribed, and their HIT-posting frequency. You can increase your email limit by upgrading your account.
  • You will be notified by e-mail of any subscribed requesters' new HITs ONCE PER HOUR at most; for example, if Requester X posts new HITs at 8:15 AM, you will receive an alert if you haven't already received an alert from this requester in the past hour. This prevents any one requester from using up all of your allotted alerts should they post several successive batches of HITs closely together.
  • E-mail counts are reset each night at midnight CST.

SCRIPTS examples

Note that you need to have tampermonkey/greasemonkey/Violentmonkey installed for these scripts to work.

Block Requesters
This script allows you to block certain requesters from your search results, useful to filter certain known bad requesters out of your search results.

Block Individual HITs
Allows you to block individual groups of HITs from your search results. Used in order to get certain HITs out of results without blocking all of the HITs a requester might post.

Discover Fake Availabilities
Have you ever clicked a link to a HIT only to get the "no more HITs available" message? This helps solve that issue (something that amazon could fix by improving their search function.)

MTurk Expanded Header
This script adds your account balance and worker ID to the top of every page on mTurk. It is very handy for copying your worker ID without going to your home page and it is nice to know how much is in your account at all times.

HIT Database
This is probably the most useful script you will find. Not only will it add pending earnings and the option to set a daily goal, but it keeps track of all the HITs you've done and allows you to search through them, helping you prevent repeats. Make sure you click "update database" at least once a day (this will take a long time your first time doing it.) Click "requester overview" for a list of requesters you've worked for, then Ctrl+F to bring up a search box, type in the requester name, and click the arrow to the left to bring up all the HITs you've done for the requester.

Status Page Chart
Mostly cosmetic, but useful. Places some graphs on your daily totals page of your earnings and HITs done. 

To find your graph after this is installed, go to your dashboard and click "view more" at the bottom right of the "Your Hit Status" section with your daily totals.