Why did I get rejected?

There could be many different reasons.
  1. You did a HIT from a requester with a shady TO.
  2. You completed the HIT too quickly when the requester said not to.
  3. You failed an attention check.
  4. You entered a wrong completion code, or forgot to enter a completion code.
  5. You had already completed the same HIT for that specific requester already.

Is there anything Amazon can do about it?

To put it simply: No.
It is up the the requester's discretion as to whether or not reject you. Unless there is a case of a large mass rejection, Amazon does not get involved.

Is there anything I can do about it?

You can always try to politely contact the requester. Explain to them that getting a rejection hurts you as a worker on Mturk. Ask them to review your work, and provide them with a link on How to Reverse a Rejection.

What can I do in the future to prevent this?

A couple of things...

1. Download TurkOpticon and check out each requesters TO before considering accepting their HIT.
2. Check to see if you have done the HIT from that requester before.
3. If it looks familier, and the HIT says to not repeat it... RETURN IT.
4. Email the requester if you have any concerns about whether or not you have done that HIT before.
5. Always be careful, take your time, and try not to miss any attention checks within the HIT.

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